Someone I know sent a message to say that "these things are so common now that it just feels like any other day and won't have much affect on my daily routine."
This is how I responded:
"One of the greatest joys of being a parent is seeing one's kids
becoming independent. Imagine the joy of watching your teenaged
daughter getting ready with her friends for their first big night out;
putting on makeup in an inexpert way, dressing and swapping clothes
giggling and getting excited. You may have bought the tickets as a
birthday present. Drive them into town. They are chattering away in
the back ignoring you. You feel like a taxi driver but also proud.
Proud that she is growing up. Proud of what she is becoming; what she
will be. Drop them off worrying if one is carrying a bottle of vodka
for a warm up drink. Drive home and wait for the call to pick them up
but the call never comes.
No. What happened last night is not something that one can get used
Someone I know sent a message to say that "these things are so common now that it just feels like any other day and won't have much affect on my daily routine."
This is how I responded: