Under 40 quid is tricky but there are a few I can think of. Old Pultney 12 year old is readily available and often discounted in the supermarkets I really love this distillery and I think the 12 year old is incredible for the price, a bit salty, a bit sweet and a hint of smoke.
If you want to go radically different from Islay try something from the Isle of Arran, the 14 year old is sweet and fruity, really unique character and normally around 45 quid. You can pick up the 10 year old for about £35 which is not quite as sweet and whilst young, the quality of the the spirit is very good
anCnoc 12 year old is under 40, the 22 year old is one of my favourites but that I'm a big fan of Sherry Cask whisky. The 12 is bourbon cask matured and great, anything from anCnoc is great imo.
My stash from my Islay pilgrimage in September has sadly run out.
I'm pretty up on Whisky but what little known gems can people recommend that are not from Islay (since I've been drinking them exclusively for months) and are generally under £40 so I can justify getting a small selection rather that one fancy bottle that I'll end up drinking after a night in the pub and then regretting it.
Thanks in advance!