I locked up my bike the other day and when threading my lock through the space between the bike opposite and the bike stand I brushed the bike's tyre and felt it was very low, much too low for safe riding. This was on 25s on a fairly rubbish single-speed bike. I went into a shop and when I came out again saw that the owner was just about to ride off, so I said 'excuse me' and told her that she should pump up her tyres and, er, the reason why I knew was because I'd touched her bike and, er ... I didn't get to tell her that it was safety I was concerned about, as she rode off fairly quickly. I can't think why ... #csb#embarrassingmoments
I locked up my bike the other day and when threading my lock through the space between the bike opposite and the bike stand I brushed the bike's tyre and felt it was very low, much too low for safe riding. This was on 25s on a fairly rubbish single-speed bike. I went into a shop and when I came out again saw that the owner was just about to ride off, so I said 'excuse me' and told her that she should pump up her tyres and, er, the reason why I knew was because I'd touched her bike and, er ... I didn't get to tell her that it was safety I was concerned about, as she rode off fairly quickly. I can't think why ... #csb #embarrassingmoments