Not sure I'd even get up the hill to the start line on 98"
Even I've got up to the start on 100", and it's very unlikely that your W/kg are lower than mine. Gear for the rest of the course, anything over 60" is too high to be ideal for riding to the start, and any sensible gear is going to be way spinny down the ski slope, so you basically have to disregard those bits and worry about everywhere else.
I still haven't got the gearing right.
The first few TTs this season I've been on roughly 88" (apart from the medium gear), but it's always felt either under-geared or over-geared depending on the part of the course I'm on.
Now I've got a 52t up front it looks like I could go 91" or 98". Not sure I'd even get up the hill to the start line on 98".
Should I just buy a geared bike?