Rapha make quality well designed cycling kit and also do a city range, Vulpine made expensive commuter clothing which is not particularly good for cycling, except maybe to the shops.
I thought the niche that they were aiming for was clothing that you'd ride to the pub/shops in and not feel like a tit in. Yes, Rapha does some of that too (and recently quite well).
Also, @amey - LOL that anyone would buy the Rapha B&O headphones at 33pc markup because they're pink. Just, why? What's wrong with the normal ones?
But yeah, the responses are pretty much exactly what I was expecting - there's a lot of tribalism in your brand choices, and Rapha has done a great job of milking that tribalism with some products which objectively are frankly ridiculous, alongside some really very good stuff.
I'm not sure if I have seen that as a criticism of Vulpine on here at all?
Apart from Vulpine trying to hit the premium end of the market, not much else is comparable. Rapha make quality well designed cycling kit and also do a city range, Vulpine made expensive commuter clothing which is not particularly good for cycling, except maybe to the shops.
Most comments in this thread on the kit itself is not exactly glowing (except people seem to like the socks).