Got half way down the first page before I realised that this wasn't meme. Honestly ... I had no idea about this ... is it a portmanteau of "Hungry" and "gruel"?
Serious question; what happens to your personal eating culture/routine if the company goes bust and supplies dry up? Beware proprietary tech
improvisation or turn on each other?... the thought of liquidising frozen peas with vanilla yoghurt and bran flakes fills me with horror... (I think theres a lot more to it than that). Theres alternatives, but I like the idea of buying British.
Got half way down the first page before I realised that this wasn't meme. Honestly ... I had no idea about this ... is it a portmanteau of "Hungry" and "gruel"?
Serious question; what happens to your personal eating culture/routine if the company goes bust and supplies dry up? Beware proprietary tech