Fucks sake, I do hope your partner isn't affected by this in the long term and can regain confidence.
A couple of people i know have had their mobile phones plucked out of their hands/from their ear near the mc donalds on city road by moped riders in the last couple of weeks, its happening so often now that they've put up posters to warn people of the crime. We're so close to the police station it's like they are performing it right infront of their eyes, unfortunately the area has so many exit routes there's nothing you can do to slow them down, they are putting up bollards to stop thru traffic but a moped can slip right through.
Fucks sake, I do hope your partner isn't affected by this in the long term and can regain confidence.
A couple of people i know have had their mobile phones plucked out of their hands/from their ear near the mc donalds on city road by moped riders in the last couple of weeks, its happening so often now that they've put up posters to warn people of the crime. We're so close to the police station it's like they are performing it right infront of their eyes, unfortunately the area has so many exit routes there's nothing you can do to slow them down, they are putting up bollards to stop thru traffic but a moped can slip right through.