what kind of back problems?
it is very super important to learn to brace your core properly. Lets you lift more with less risk of injury.
Also check hip/ankle mobility, or if you have buttwink in your squat.
Make sure you don't hyperextend in the squat. Pull your ribs down with your core, set your lats tight, and pull your hips under you (squeeze your glutes). Weight on the middle of your foot, feet slightly outside hip-width and when you come up push your knees out (try to separate the floor with your feet). This should keep you more upright and place less direct stress on your lower back.
i need help/tips on form, my lower back just feels like its gonna snap all the time when attempting heavy squats or dealdlifts. ive had back problems in the past. leg presses are sound 10 reps on 136kg and heavy dumbbell/kettlebell lunges and stepups.