No-nonsense degreaser from Screwfix £5 for 5L.
Probably £150-200ish depending on london pricing. 2-3h job (worth doing both fork legs at same time tbh)
Your costing in parts is right.Just removing calipers, then replace pads. You'd need to clean the caliper pistons. And hope they're not too pitted from neglect.
Also brake pads, are these replaced by removing the callipers or than the wheels?
Finally, my bike is filthy from all year commuting and never cleaning. What's a good product for getting road grime off?
Two useful videos on brake cleaning:
You can google good tips for cleaning your bike, but assuming you're not too precious about your bike would just do the following:
(all in the shade)
- use a watering can to wet bike with hot water.
- spray degreaser
- wait 10min
- rinse using watering can
- spray degreaser again
- agitate the worse bits with a brush
- using a sponge and soapy water flick soapy water and suds all over
- rinse.
- wash like normal with sponge / soapy water
- rinse.
- dry with a towel.
- clean brakes and contact points with brake cleaner
As a min you need:
- hand soap (car shampoo is better)
- old kitchen brush
- any degreaser
- brake cleaner and clean cloth
- use a watering can to wet bike with hot water.
I've blown a fork seal and it's pissing out oil.
How much will a garage charge to sort this?
My friendly local tend to be cost for the parts and moderate on the labour costs.
But I have no idea on how much parts would be (£20 for seals, £20 for oil?) Or how long the job would take (I wouldn't even attempt it as I have no stand to support an unforked bike)
Also brake pads, are these replaced by removing the callipers or than the wheels?
Finally, my bike is filthy from all year commuting and never cleaning. What's a good product for getting road grime off?
(RE lids, I have an AGV and a HJC, both in Large, the AGV aged a little loose and the HJC is a little snug, but both within acceptable terms)