Saw Hark. V. tight and proper balls out stuff but sadly they didn't quite grab me. Not sure why. They were great live and the singer has great stage presence. I did have a bit of a headache when I went in. t might have been a bit too loud...
Always amazed at how many bands Desertfest find who I've never heard of but are amazing. Really liked Chubby Thunderous Bad Kush Master.
I had a great time anyway and looking forward to Belzebong and Dope Lord this week.
Saw Hark. V. tight and proper balls out stuff but sadly they didn't quite grab me. Not sure why. They were great live and the singer has great stage presence. I did have a bit of a headache when I went in. t might have been a bit too loud...
Always amazed at how many bands Desertfest find who I've never heard of but are amazing. Really liked Chubby Thunderous Bad Kush Master.
I had a great time anyway and looking forward to Belzebong and Dope Lord this week.