Down here though I am in the minority, it isn't about people wanting to hunt per se, but the feel like it is the city ruling on the 'way of life', and if they start with hunting what is next, shooting or other 'pursuits'.
I understand this 'slippery slope' POV that you aren't in control of you're way of life, but still anti hunt.
I don't doubt your experiences, but based on polls, a majority in rural areas also seem to support the ban (as of 2015): https://yougov.co.uk/news/2015/01/09/british-people-still-support-fox-hunting-ban
on fox hunting...
I'm from Devon, spent ten years in London and moved back to Devon a year ago.
I am anti-hunt.
Down here though I am in the minority, it isn't about people wanting to hunt per se, but the feel like it is the city ruling on the 'way of life', and if they start with hunting what is next, shooting or other 'pursuits'.