Thanks - I struggled to measure FTP reliably until I got a power meter a month ago as the estimated curve for my trainer on trainerroad was way out. However, since January, I have become markedly stronger following a similar training routine, albeit one that has been punctuated by travel/racing/holidays.
I think until six weeks/a month out, I'm happy to just build FTP before doing some stuff that's more focused on the race specifically. I live in Hong Kong where there's a dearth of racing between now and then.
Agree it probably makes sense to build in some different workouts. I do tend to vary it a bit more but find that VO2 and threshold work has always been pretty effective - as are ramp intervals to be fair.
If it's what you are doing already, is it shifting your FTP at all? As @skinny says, it's impossible to tell what improvement it will make unless you know how trained you are currently, and how much of a training effect the above will make based on what you currently do/are targeting. are you are just trying to up your FTP or get specifically better at certain things i.e. long climbs, short climbs, endurance, sprinting etc etc? I'd work that out, and try and incorporate actual bike riding that mimics this in addition/instead of a long turbofest.
In addition, my 2p would be to include an FTP test every 8 weeks, and think about maybe mixing up your sessions a bit more. Stuff like max efforts, ramp intervals, russian steps, hour of power, pyramids....whatever really, it's just I'd find OU's, V02 and sweetspot every single week without any rest weeks really draining. Whilst 3 weeks on and 1 week off works for most people, you'll need some rest weeks in there.