If its the girder type I'm happy to pay for it if necessary. I don't think they're cheap but I don't think they're all THAT expensive. It's for my RRA though and frankly any stem is likely to be cheaper than the RRA specific one...
If I decide to part with it, it's yours Jeff. It is a girder type, single bolt, quite short reach, maybe 2 inches. I should have taken a photo, I will if I remember tomorrow morning! I need some GB Hiduminium brake calipers so it makes sense to raise some funds for them.
If you do decide to sell this let me know and name your price Quiet_Mike ! It even appears to be about the perfect length for my needs. Lovely work on that frame by the way, coming up a treat-what did you use to clean it up without scratching etc?
If its the girder type I'm happy to pay for it if necessary. I don't think they're cheap but I don't think they're all THAT expensive. It's for my RRA though and frankly any stem is likely to be cheaper than the RRA specific one...