Tx ^_^
No instagram or Twatter... but I am on facebook I have stuff on there and can load more things now that I have time again. So if you are on bakebook let me know will ping you my name on there :)
Beware of the occasional political rant/comments I try to avoid them on my wall though ;)
I have a nifty Lenovo with digitizer screen and big A4 tablet. The kit is there, I think it's really being behind a PC that puts me off a bit.
But I do colour work on the computer. Have to get use to laptop atm, as it's a free program [krita not bad actually] and the screen feels different.
Do you have an Instagram? I wouldn't mind seeing more of your stuff.
Have you tried a cintiq? I was quite resistant to it to begin with, but I sort of 'get it' now. My analogue and digital work were always stylistically quite distinct (to me), but now I can get them to gel a lot easier.