Cool, it's some sort of "everyone does a few pages" project isn't it?
As the styles vary a lot.
It's a sci-fi script from another guy, not sure I can share much but if it goes public I will post the link. Looks we may not get time to shade it, everyone has full time jobs.
At least with a hobby work you can pick your own methods etc. I think a lot of stuff these days is digital due to deadlines... but after a day at the PC I prefer good aul honest ink/lightboxes.
Yeah, the styles are pretty diverse actually - it's surprisingly engaging to read through.
I used to do digital illustration (photoshop + Wacom ) for speeds sake and it felt like a compromise, but since I've got a cintiq tablet, I've found I can achieve a lot of what I could in paint, graphite etc on the computer. I still love to do things 'properly', but with work and a small person to look after, I rarely find time to get stuck into something like that.
Looking good - what's the story?
I have a friend who contributed some pages to Bartkira. I think he really enjoyed it - it's a pretty weird and wonderful project!