It's the top tube length that changes the the size in an individual model. This is a 21.25, so fairly long for a BMX, race frames will come in longer sizes.
Stem lengths vary and a big set of bars rolled forward slightly will make a BMX feel bigger.
I'm 6'4 or 5, I think I use to make this bike look a bit small but it is a BMX.
I just built up a new one with 23" tt, felt massive the first time i rode it.
It's the top tube length that changes the the size in an individual model. This is a 21.25, so fairly long for a BMX, race frames will come in longer sizes.
Stem lengths vary and a big set of bars rolled forward slightly will make a BMX feel bigger.
I'm 6'4 or 5, I think I use to make this bike look a bit small but it is a BMX.
I just built up a new one with 23" tt, felt massive the first time i rode it.