So I've read a bit on front lights because what else can you do on a Sunday evening. Currently on the Audax machine I've got a Luxos U at the front and a Supernova E3 tail light. It's all seemingly working fine but Peter Whites specifically says to not use any Supernova tail light with the Luxos U, without giving any reason. Anybody with a similar setup? Am I gonna kill my light? (If yes well that hasn't happened yet).
In fact, the only niggle I can notice is that the cache battery seems to not charge very much when the lights are on, meaning light output drops with speed, and doesn't stay up for very long when stopped. I don't know if it would behave similarly with a B+M rear light (say a Secula) and I can live with that anyway.
Presumably because the Supernova is powered by DC and most other taillights are AC. I have occasionally wired up my dynamo (AC) straight to the E3 taillight by accident and it works, but not very well.
So I've read a bit on front lights because what else can you do on a Sunday evening. Currently on the Audax machine I've got a Luxos U at the front and a Supernova E3 tail light. It's all seemingly working fine but Peter Whites specifically says to not use any Supernova tail light with the Luxos U, without giving any reason. Anybody with a similar setup? Am I gonna kill my light? (If yes well that hasn't happened yet).
In fact, the only niggle I can notice is that the cache battery seems to not charge very much when the lights are on, meaning light output drops with speed, and doesn't stay up for very long when stopped. I don't know if it would behave similarly with a B+M rear light (say a Secula) and I can live with that anyway.