I bought an SMP Extra off @M_V a little while ago, it was big and red and had about inch thick padding, but the shell is the same shape as the Dynamic. Inspired by whoever it was that recovered one a few pages back I bought it to strip and recover.
Step 1, the stripping, was pretty awful. The foam is seemingly melted and bonded on, so there's no easy way of cutting it off. I got it as best I could and tried to make it as flat as possible for the new cover but it there was only so much I could do. Also it turned out that there's a couple of screws that come through the shell so I had to file those back as much as I could too.
Step 2 was recovering it. I initially went to some fabric shops to see if they had any offcuts I could use, they didn't, and you can't easily buy a square piece of fabric because it all comes on meter wide rolls. So I ended up buying a 50cm square piece of leather from ebay for £3. It was meant to be black but is actually a very dark green.
I used some strong contact adhesive to stick it down and folded the edges over. It's definitely an amateur job but in my defence there are parts where the original melted on foam didn't give any room for overlapping leather. The not-completely-flat surface of the saddle before resurfacing has meant to me it looks like I've covered it in lizard skin. Which I like. I left the middle gaps covered up because I think it makes it look a bit different from the regular SMP's.
Not actually ridden it yet, but I'm quite pleased for a total spend of just under £20.
I bought an SMP Extra off @M_V a little while ago, it was big and red and had about inch thick padding, but the shell is the same shape as the Dynamic. Inspired by whoever it was that recovered one a few pages back I bought it to strip and recover.
Step 1, the stripping, was pretty awful. The foam is seemingly melted and bonded on, so there's no easy way of cutting it off. I got it as best I could and tried to make it as flat as possible for the new cover but it there was only so much I could do. Also it turned out that there's a couple of screws that come through the shell so I had to file those back as much as I could too.
Step 2 was recovering it. I initially went to some fabric shops to see if they had any offcuts I could use, they didn't, and you can't easily buy a square piece of fabric because it all comes on meter wide rolls. So I ended up buying a 50cm square piece of leather from ebay for £3. It was meant to be black but is actually a very dark green.
I used some strong contact adhesive to stick it down and folded the edges over. It's definitely an amateur job but in my defence there are parts where the original melted on foam didn't give any room for overlapping leather. The not-completely-flat surface of the saddle before resurfacing has meant to me it looks like I've covered it in lizard skin. Which I like. I left the middle gaps covered up because I think it makes it look a bit different from the regular SMP's.
Not actually ridden it yet, but I'm quite pleased for a total spend of just under £20.
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