perhaps this might be around 140kg x5x3 for back squat for a healthy young man? Anyone here up around that level?
I was in the mid 140's but 6 weeks into a cut atm and dropped quite a bit. I found 120kg the end of my linear progression then started mixing up volume and intensity, so 3 times a week were something like x8x5, x5x5 and a x3x3 or x2x3 and was as a steady increase from there. Also used a leg press and occasionally lifting chains and powerbands to mix things up.
Ok, so maybe I was relatively close to limit of my possible LP, I got up to 117.5x5x3, absolutely grinding the last ones out, then I hurt my right knee (think it might be mild patella tendonitis) so squats are going to have to wait a bit until it feels right again. I'm up to 130x5 on deadlift, but this feels waaay easier comparatively, like it could keep going up for a bit longer without much change, thoughts?
I know this feeling, every session feeling heavier and heavier until form breaks down significantly, deload and work back through, I understand that the eating and sleeping can be reason for this. I mean actual total plateau, like your body can't actually get any stronger on the linear progression and you need to switch up programs (I have been led to believe this does happen) - perhaps this might be around 140kg x5x3 for back squat for a healthy young man? Anyone here up around that level?