Thinkpads are still decent.
One thing to look out for, the older i7 laptops on ebay, although of a similar processor power to the newer ones, are much more battery hungry. Lots of the recent progress has been on making the processor use less power rather than go faster. You may be taking a gamble with an older i7 with secondhand battery as to whether it will last 2.5 hours.
My x220 with i7 and 16GB does still manage about 2hrs but that's about it (you can get expanded batteries though). It meets the criteria otherwise.
Need to purchase a laptop around 13" preferably i7 8GB+and enough juice to run my 2.5 hours each way on the train a day. One that'd play nicely with Linux would be nice too. Whatever i'll be ditching the HDD and popping a SSD in.
Second hand, what should I be searching eBay for?
Days gone by IBM Thinkpad would have been my go-to but i've been on a Mac since C2D were fazed out so i'm a little out the loop on things.
Bonus Q. Are there any small stripped out Windows distros these days?