A quick look at Wikipedia tells me it's not necessarily considered the most effective way of bombing something either. Repeated strikes with smaller bombs could supposedly work better, and to me the latter seems perfectly doable against an enemy with no air force of their own. Also, Wiki estimates that one such bomb costs $16 million. (But then again, for that money you get a bomb with its own PR package.)
Apparently, the only use that could just about defend such a cost would be a considerable underground cave system.
My guess is they looked around until they could find an enemy location with a cave system just complex enough to justify the need to drop a media friendly bomb. I've seen no report on how much the loss of that location actually hurt the enemy tactically.
A quick look at Wikipedia tells me it's not necessarily considered the most effective way of bombing something either. Repeated strikes with smaller bombs could supposedly work better, and to me the latter seems perfectly doable against an enemy with no air force of their own. Also, Wiki estimates that one such bomb costs $16 million. (But then again, for that money you get a bomb with its own PR package.)
Apparently, the only use that could just about defend such a cost would be a considerable underground cave system.
My guess is they looked around until they could find an enemy location with a cave system just complex enough to justify the need to drop a media friendly bomb. I've seen no report on how much the loss of that location actually hurt the enemy tactically.