• TBH i don't to any indoor work in position, I can't deal with it. Well I do a bit, normally something like 3 mins on, 2 mins off during an effort. I get hot.
    You need to be outside in position really, the intertia is different to indoor.

    Ride in position indoors by all means, but you will have to downgrade power expectations, both due to inertia and also heat. You maybe also then find you need to transition to outdoors, as your muscle groups won't be used to riding outdoors at different inertia forces.

    I think my TT bike saddle setback is 75mm. Road 80mm. Thats with my ISM. I like a big setback with my long legs.

  • Yeah but I find indoor training a lot more efficient time-wise (It takes me a good 30 minutes of riding to get any traffic clear route)

    Yeah I normally drop about 10% in power in door so will factor in mind. Yeah your setback is a lot further back than both mine. My current set back is 70mm on Road and 55mm on TT.

    I'm going to experiment with pushing it back 5mm now. I've spent 3 months recovering from PFPS due to v.weak glutes so hopefully a further back position will recruit them more.

    Good luck for the 25 (assuming you are competing)

  • Yeah it makes sense to ride indoors then.

    Maybe work on some glute and posterior chain activation exercises to help.
    And thanks, I am! Should be good. See you there.
