I get different strokes for different folks and all that, but as one of the hallmarks of an aero-tested 'fingerprint' seems to be to place a riders elbow further forward than what was legal, for a layman, it's reasonable to assume that those positions are more efficient.
Might not be outright faster right away, but once that rider has trained and adjusted, it's highly likely they'll be faster in the end.
Bobridge beat Boardman's "unbeatable" pursuit time using a normal position vs. Boardman's superman position.
"hallmarks of an aero-tested 'fingerprint' seems to be to place a riders elbow further forward than what was legal"
Where are you getting this data from? I've only heard of one rider getting warned about the 3cm after the rule change and his position was hardly a Superman.
"highly likely they'll be faster" Massive assumption.
Flip it on its head then - why should taller riders be at a disadvantage to shorter ones?
You're making the incorrect assumption that being stretched out past the '3cm rule' makes you faster.