From my own research as a general rule it's just not economic to do a repair unless it's something special or you have access to the expertise in house. The safety aspect of will it/won't it fail is also something that is a turn-off for most people, and again, a lot of alloys won't stand up to a repair anyway just because of the lower quality of the metal but there's new welding rods that are actually far stronger than the original material-I think they're made by Aluweld or something.
Places like this one certainly seem to be pretty sure about their abilities to do it-I don't imagine it's something they'd take on if they were worried about customers coming back with busted teeth a few weeks later. https://carrswelding.co.uk/repairs/cycling/
Depends on the type of Alu and how it was made to begin with tbh-the heat from re-powdercoating after a repair would be adequate treatment for some frames depending on the composition of the alloy. A good aluminium welder/machinist would be able to give a good idea.