I almost felt sorry for Justine Greening this morning, trying and failing to defend the fucking ridiculous policy on grammar schools.
Jon Humphrys essentially got her to admit:
Grammar schools are currently failing the poorest and something needs to change
The new policy isn't specific on how this is going to change the situation
The Conservatives are now focusing on 'ordinary working families' - which in their lexicon, means 'basically not the poorest because fuck them, we're cutting their schools to pay for this shit idea's
Only the most ardent careerist could go along with this shit that even many of her own party recognise is a joke.
If the middle classes want private school style education why don't they just fucking pay for it? Rather than wasting their money on Dualit toasters and Audi leases.
I almost felt sorry for Justine Greening this morning, trying and failing to defend the fucking ridiculous policy on grammar schools.
Jon Humphrys essentially got her to admit:
Only the most ardent careerist could go along with this shit that even many of her own party recognise is a joke.