I bought a silly trispoke wheel off here back in February, with the aim of doing TTs later in the year. In typical LFGSS fashion, I took the tyre off it (using plastic tyre levers), put a new tyre on it, took pictures of my bike, and then bought a replacement for it without even riding it once.
I decided to sell it, and today, the potential buyer was just leaving mine and noticed a crack in the rim:
Because I bought it with a tyre on, even if it was there when I bought it I wouldn't have seen it. There's nothing that's happened in the meantime that could have caused it, and since I got the replacement it's been kept in the well-packaged box that the replacement came in.
Obviously I'm not going to sell it now. But seeing as I've never even ridden it, do I have any recourse to go back to the seller now, or is it too late to reasonably do this?
Second cracked carbon-related despair of the day:
I bought a silly trispoke wheel off here back in February, with the aim of doing TTs later in the year. In typical LFGSS fashion, I took the tyre off it (using plastic tyre levers), put a new tyre on it, took pictures of my bike, and then bought a replacement for it without even riding it once.
I decided to sell it, and today, the potential buyer was just leaving mine and noticed a crack in the rim:
Because I bought it with a tyre on, even if it was there when I bought it I wouldn't have seen it. There's nothing that's happened in the meantime that could have caused it, and since I got the replacement it's been kept in the well-packaged box that the replacement came in.
Obviously I'm not going to sell it now. But seeing as I've never even ridden it, do I have any recourse to go back to the seller now, or is it too late to reasonably do this?