Serial number is 78378
It is impossible to find it using these. Bianchi was terrible with serial numbers back in those days. Also reused them a lot. There are some online registers, but very incomplete.
Sheldon brown said it was a mid level Bianchi from mid 1970s. Decals and equipment confirm that. Also the story of the owner who bought it in mid 1970s.
Not sure of the exact model.
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Serial number is 78378
It is impossible to find it using these. Bianchi was terrible with serial numbers back in those days. Also reused them a lot. There are some online registers, but very incomplete.
Sheldon brown said it was a mid level Bianchi from mid 1970s. Decals and equipment confirm that. Also the story of the owner who bought it in mid 1970s.
Not sure of the exact model.
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