Picked this up on here a little while ago as a run around. I don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't be bothered to build it.
I don't know the exact measurements right now but it's 55/56ish square.
It had a stuck seatpost and bottom bracket. The seatpost is still stuck but may be an easy fix. It's held in place by two grub screws which are rounded. I don't know if you drill these out whether the seatpost will still be stuck or not. It's currently set with the rail clamp at 73cm from BB
I paid a LBS a tenner to get the bottom bracket out. I got the frame for free and therefore it is still free but since it cost me a tenner, a small donation to the forum or to the MS Society would be appreciated.
Located in Putney SW15 evenings and weekends
Picked this up on here a little while ago as a run around. I don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't be bothered to build it.
I don't know the exact measurements right now but it's 55/56ish square.
It had a stuck seatpost and bottom bracket. The seatpost is still stuck but may be an easy fix. It's held in place by two grub screws which are rounded. I don't know if you drill these out whether the seatpost will still be stuck or not. It's currently set with the rail clamp at 73cm from BB
I paid a LBS a tenner to get the bottom bracket out. I got the frame for free and therefore it is still free but since it cost me a tenner, a small donation to the forum or to the MS Society would be appreciated.
Located in Putney SW15 evenings and weekends