Sorry to hear of your injury. Does it affect your ability to train on the turbo at all?
If not, and you have the focus and motivation, then there's no reason you can't be in even better shape than pre crash.
If it were me, I'd run a series of PD tests at short, medium and long durations to see where things currently stand. Then have a think about the riding you and enjoy and what your weaknesses are and work on them.
For the kind of rides you've discussed above, I'd want a decent base. So sweet spot is your friend there, aiming to hold it for ever increasing durations. When you can hold it for 30-40 min intervals without too much trouble, then increase the power by 5%.
Testing your 5 min power will give you an idea of your Vo2 max. Useful to see how much headroom you've got above currrent FTP. If it's a lot, then growing FTP with over/unders.
My 2p
Looking for a bit of advice from the hive mind on how best to meaningfully use my crash recovery time... I wrecked my wrist, had 6 weeks off the bike already, surgery, currently in cast with it pinned.
Next 3-4 months indoors only + turbo trainer + powermeter + Trainer Road
I'm a very average 3 w/kg 66kg. Had been enjoying long'ish weekend rides + a couple of fast early morning club hill rides + commuting. Would like to come back ready for more of the same but faster, stronger, kept the endurance.
Was looking at either one of the following:
Any advice? Adjust expectations?