Then you can go to CAS and have their decision overturned because they're illegally preventing you from competing. I mean, if all the fucking dopers can do it, why can't someone who bought a size Small frame?
RRA events might see some renewed interest.
I'm already jaded with the aero arms race aspect of the sport. It's less about pain and more about who spent more time/money aero testing.
Then you can go to CAS
No you don't, because CTT does not subscribe to any alternative dispute resolution. Once the national committee has banned you, you stay banned. A bit like here, where you can't get the supreme court to reinstate your ability to post on the forum once velocio has banned you; you sign up to all the rules, including the (possibly flawed) rules of conduct for disciplinary tribunals.
"No im not"
"Okay whatever you say, but we're boss and you're banned from competing for 1 year anyway. Because you look funny"
That's the issue. They can kind of do as they please.