So, after 2500 miles of commuting it was time for a bit of an update. I finally succumbed to a smaller chain ring, fitting a 42t Narrow/wide effort from superstar. Unfortunately they only had lime green in stock and as I didn't think I'd get on with it (previous one was a 50t) I thought it wouldn't matter. Anyway, turns out the bike is MUCH nicer to ride and my knees and hips don't hurt nearly as much...who knew! Actually faster as well, guessing because I now get some recovery in rather than smashing myself to bits on 50/28. Looks a bastard but it's normally covered in so much shit it's barely visible anyway.
Other additions - nutted up and bought a Carradice - so much nicer than a bag on the back or that stupid bag thing I had on the bars. Plus I feel like a proper commuter now. Still run a dry bag inside it but it's been mega.
Finally gave up on TRP Hy/Rd as they needed constant adjustment. Stuck some RS785's on it which are SO much better in every sense and having stuck about 400 miles on them I haven't had to touch them yet (compared to the Hy/Rd where adjustment was a weekly thing).
Got rid of the horrendous Salsa bars and stuck some Zipp SC ones on in their place. 42mm because #aeroiseverything or something.
Wheels - after 2.5k the ksyriums feel...fooked! Not sure if its because I've changed the rear tyre to a harder compound (4 seasons) or if its just standard Mavic build quality but I'm getting some choice noises from the rear and the front has a nice wobble despite adjusting the front hub. They just feel draggy and not nearly as sweet as they did. Maybe a service is needed, or maybe I should just move them on and get something else. I've got Hunt's on another bike but they feel a bit fragile compared to these. Who knows...
Spends wise, i've probably done nearly 2x the value of the bike upgrading it over time. However the position is now much better and I've saved a fortune on rail fare. I've also got better fitness than I have in years which is always nice...
So, after 2500 miles of commuting it was time for a bit of an update. I finally succumbed to a smaller chain ring, fitting a 42t Narrow/wide effort from superstar. Unfortunately they only had lime green in stock and as I didn't think I'd get on with it (previous one was a 50t) I thought it wouldn't matter. Anyway, turns out the bike is MUCH nicer to ride and my knees and hips don't hurt nearly as much...who knew! Actually faster as well, guessing because I now get some recovery in rather than smashing myself to bits on 50/28. Looks a bastard but it's normally covered in so much shit it's barely visible anyway.
Other additions - nutted up and bought a Carradice - so much nicer than a bag on the back or that stupid bag thing I had on the bars. Plus I feel like a proper commuter now. Still run a dry bag inside it but it's been mega.
Finally gave up on TRP Hy/Rd as they needed constant adjustment. Stuck some RS785's on it which are SO much better in every sense and having stuck about 400 miles on them I haven't had to touch them yet (compared to the Hy/Rd where adjustment was a weekly thing).
Got rid of the horrendous Salsa bars and stuck some Zipp SC ones on in their place. 42mm because #aeroiseverything or something.
Wheels - after 2.5k the ksyriums feel...fooked! Not sure if its because I've changed the rear tyre to a harder compound (4 seasons) or if its just standard Mavic build quality but I'm getting some choice noises from the rear and the front has a nice wobble despite adjusting the front hub. They just feel draggy and not nearly as sweet as they did. Maybe a service is needed, or maybe I should just move them on and get something else. I've got Hunt's on another bike but they feel a bit fragile compared to these. Who knows...
Spends wise, i've probably done nearly 2x the value of the bike upgrading it over time. However the position is now much better and I've saved a fortune on rail fare. I've also got better fitness than I have in years which is always nice...
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