I think most staff would struggle to > explain why 2x10 gears are better > than 3x8 to the general public.
Tbh so would I; given equipment of similar quality (admittedly high-quality triples are becoming a rarity), it's really a matter of personal preference and/or preferred application.
Perhaps its the beard-and-Carradice circles in which I pedal, but I reckon square taper is still on half of the bikes I see, and the overwhelming majority still use tubes. I accept these numbers would be different if I raced, but I still wouldn't call either technology dead just yet.
Most bikes are BSOs and won't suddenly change to tubeless set ups. Look at how many quill stems are still used at Halfords and other places. Ahead stem clearly better than threaded but not universally adopted. I think most staff would struggle to explain why 2x10 gears are better than 3x8 to the general public.
Tubeless also requires better pumps and fluid which is going to be a challenge given how many people think a £5 hand pump is all they need.