I use this for shoulder of lamb and lamb flaps - it's a go to and I can make noodles the next day with leftovers
Hugh FW has some excellent lamb recipes. Ottolenghi does and awesome lamb shwarma in Jerusalem. I also made a lamb porchetta with salsa verde with the belly.
For slow lamb I like gigot de sept heures and lamb shank.
There is also this
He's not well known here but is as important as Julia Childs was in intoducing French cuisine to the US. Chef to Charles de Gaulle early in his career. Cooking titan. Srs bsnss. Tasty food.
Lamb. Talk to me.
What cuts are good. When are they good. How should they be done? I'm interested in something more than the usual rosemary and garlic studded leg - delicious as it may be.
I'm thinking for Easter lunch with leftovers. I saw a Nigella thing with pomegranate which looked good.
I think I'd like some kind of joint. Not sure i have the patience for French trimming a rack but i could be persuaded.
Also interested for later in the spring in using the barbecue and grilling something substantial but for now keep this indoors.