• I met my kind benefactor on Friday morning and collected the lovely replacement frame, 1st time I've ever met anyone from the forum actually. Brought "ScobsWell" back to his new home on the train...

    ... and after introducing him to his new surrounds started work on cleaning out threads and removing a pesky snapped bolt that was obscuring the brake bridge , I did it Ed, success, whahey! Had to centre-punch then drill out the stud left from the bolt, looks like it had sheared off many moons ago...

    Aldous will slowly start donating vital organs to ScobsWell over the next week.

    Thanks again for very kind donation Ed, its much appreciated.

  • You got the mudguard bolt under the brake bridge off then? awesome work!

    The frame most definitely gonna be the most suitable bike for your kind of riding, even the upward pointed track end is actually made like that to make removing wheel with mudguard easier.
