In my experience 20% is optimistic but you may get lucky. what you are asking for is 3 by 2 par. 3" by 2" planed all round, you lose a little in the planing hence the overall measurements being less than 3"x 2" rough sawn. B&Q have been sneaking their planed wood down a few mm although in fairness they have some good straight stock and dry in comparison with most of the timber yards I visit, and the guys in the yards generally don't care what they sell you so you need to lean on them.
N4 and need to use wood really as I'm much more confident working with it. I will be collecting it and ordering +20% surplus which should mean I get enough straight stock for the project.
I'm shuffling along 4 stud walls (3.1 x 4.5m) and building a 5th, then need to move all the doors etc. along. If I can find the 44 x 69 by the weekend then it will make my life much easier.
Edit: Jewsons have got 45 x 70. That'll do.