Not sure it's that easy.
Especially not as this morning a bloke with "I have a Latvian partner but I voted out" popped up on an EU people/allies forum...
Most people are a contradictory mess, the ones you mention exist, but somebody can be "i like immigrants" and still buy the propaganda on borders for example.
And I would still argue that this is because their primary information on these topics is either the Sun or the Daily Fail and they are lazy, passive people that don't challenge these assumptions by actually seeking a different point of view. All the attempts to silence dissent around Brexit just shows that a reasoned, informed debate is just not something these people want to have-Farage saying he'll fuck off abroad if it's all a disaster is just another deeply ironic layer on that shit cake in the same way as all the 'expats' abroad voting to have their own pensions devalued and healthcare stopped. It's moronic on epic proportions, and David Davis' face sums it up nicely...
Nothing. Nothing is going on in their minds. They are empty, passive vessels only too happy to be filled up with spurious, hate filled shite that conveniently suits their own most general bias against anything and everything that presents even the slightest challenge or difficulty in their daily lives. They're the kids at school that resented having to learn French because it made them feel stupid, the people that feel uncomfortable ordering anything off a menu unless it has a number next to it, and for whom the appreciation of different cultures is defined by the colour of the takeaway menu. Curved bananas and limitations on hoover wattage haunt their dreams, and having a Polish person serve them in McDonalds is become a living nightmare. Human rights be damned because this is who has been charged with deciding upon our collective futures...