The transfer rate between a garmin and a pc or mac is abysmal. Much better to download and use openstreetmap to your mac and use that map to plan routes.
Here is a link for you. the map selected is the uk. You will need " Map installer for BaseCamp / Mac OSX platform."
thanks for this. You mention download, but if I google download opestreetmap for Mac there's no indication of an application. I'm fine using it on http://www.openstreetmap.org, by the way.
your suggested way of working is drawing a route on osm, export a gpx, add is as a track on etrex/basecamp. Right?
Ok, I just received my new etrex 20x. It comes with Garmin TopoActive Europe West + Global maps, and I opened basecamp for the first time to check out how it'd be to plan a route. Is it me or it's just AWFUL? I'm used to connect, where tracing a route is much more user friendly.
On my Mac basecamp is slow, laggy, and you can't even see the small roads unless you zoom like a million percent. Will I get used? Does downloading other maps help? Should I just plan my routes elsewhere? Lupus? Is it lupus?