This radiator needs to move to the left a bit. The pipes go off to another radiator which is no longer needed and then loop back.
The LH connection will become the RH connection. Can I just loop the ends with PVC push fit and make a new connection for the LH? So the water is flowing the other direction through the radiator? And is it necessary to drain the system or can I just bung it? Spillage it not an issue.
I don't see a problem looping the system, I'd probably get everything prepped and to hand then use a freeze kit and splice it in. It won't look nice but I'm guessing that's not the primary concern.
This radiator needs to move to the left a bit. The pipes go off to another radiator which is no longer needed and then loop back.
The LH connection will become the RH connection. Can I just loop the ends with PVC push fit and make a new connection for the LH? So the water is flowing the other direction through the radiator? And is it necessary to drain the system or can I just bung it? Spillage it not an issue.