OK, so my shoulders could be the bottle neck causing my current flat bench plateau? Seems likely given how shit I am at OH presses.
So I'll take your advice and implement OH presses as an accessory (i.e. 4 x 12) twice a week. FWIW, I will have to aim for less than a third of my bodyweight to have any chance at completing all four sets.
Then on the third day I do kettlebell carry.
But how to do a "static" exercise systematically? It's easy to find the correct weight for 4 x 12. But for a carrying exercise I will need to decide both X weight and Y number of minutes? Any advice appreciated.
My coach swears by upper back work (rows) and triceps work (board presses are great for that, work down 4 inch board, next week 3 then 2 then 1 then full range) to improve people's benches.
He finds OH presses don't carry over for many people, but that doesn't mean Kyle is wrong, they may work for you. If they don't, work on lats/back.
Just to confuse you even more :):)
Here's a good explanation of the carry I mention above .