I've made a couple of submissions using the new roadsafe reporting website since sorting out helmet and seat post cameras, linking them to a google drive I set up with camera footage of each incident of arseholery. My first report was a close/punishment pass back in February which I figured hadn't amounted to much, but yesterday I got the message quoted below. It's left me feeling strangely empowered?! Definitely feels like fiddling with cropping clips, uploading and filling out forms isn't the waste of time I feared it might be.
I refer to the recent road traffic incident/offence in which you were involved/witnessed and I am informing you of the course of action I intend to take.
From consideration of the facts, I have concluded that the Driver was sufficiently blameworthy to justify further police action and in view of this, I intend to make an offer of attendance at a National Driver Awareness Course.
If the driver in question chooses this option he/she must agree to:
( Compulsory attendance at an intensive training course over one day
( Payment of a course fee
( Satisfactory completion of a practical driver assessment.
If the driver refuses the option of a National Driver Awareness Course then he/she will usually be prosecuted. If the driver accepts the course offer, and at the conclusion of the course, should he/she be involved in a similar incident within three years of the completion, they will not be able to be considered for a course and in all probability a prosecution will follow. Experience and research has shown these courses to be a positive and productive option, with proven benefits to road safety. While there is sufficient evidence in this case to justify a prosecution, there is no provision in law for a Magistrate to order such retraining and the imposition of a fine and penalty points will not do anything to correct poor driving habits.
I've made a couple of submissions using the new roadsafe reporting website since sorting out helmet and seat post cameras, linking them to a google drive I set up with camera footage of each incident of arseholery. My first report was a close/punishment pass back in February which I figured hadn't amounted to much, but yesterday I got the message quoted below. It's left me feeling strangely empowered?! Definitely feels like fiddling with cropping clips, uploading and filling out forms isn't the waste of time I feared it might be.