I find when riding back from east london, I avoid blackfriars bridge as the segregated path that leads too and upto it, from both north/south just annoys me. When it's empty, the constant lights and their phasing make your journey a stop start mess. When its filled with cyclists, its just a constant head on swivel exercise to make sure that other riders don't take you out...
Easily the worst part of the morning commute for me too. I usually go through around 9.15 but was half an hour early today, and the amount of fuckwittery is colossal.
My favourite is people who steam up the outside of a long queue, only to be faced with people coming the opposite direction, who then force their way into the queue with nary a shoulder check to to be seen.
Have about reached my limit with the Blackfriars segregated cycle lane. Was run into from behind at speed last week as I stopped to let someone over at a crossing. Everyday the stress of keeping an eye on and trying to predict the random acts of swarms of idiots is ruining my lovely ride to work every morning.
Whilst I'm here, to the cat5 racer swerving from one side of the lane to the other without a glance over her shoulder or flick of her arm to signal, I wasn't patronising you. I would have called out anyone riding like such a prick with the same question. Have you considered cycle training?