Got a bit of a surprise yesterday, right at the start of my commute. I was going pretty slowly downhill on a narrow path when a guy + dog came round a corner towards me. I braked a little in anticipation and just kind of did a massive flip forwards over the bars.
Really weird as I didn't brake hard - guess the slope was steeper than I thought.
Big rear in tights and knee but otherwise just glad to give the guy some lols at me doing spontaneous low speed acrobatics.
Got a bit of a surprise yesterday, right at the start of my commute. I was going pretty slowly downhill on a narrow path when a guy + dog came round a corner towards me. I braked a little in anticipation and just kind of did a massive flip forwards over the bars.
Really weird as I didn't brake hard - guess the slope was steeper than I thought.
Big rear in tights and knee but otherwise just glad to give the guy some lols at me doing spontaneous low speed acrobatics.