That's an odd way of looking at it, given threshold power isn't particularly closely related to Endurance or whatever new-fangled term they're using in WKO4 now for "long shit".
My SP uses 4W @ 15kph and 7W @ 30kph. The weight of batteries is probably less impactful than that but there's the storage space issue and as soon as you have to stop to charge anything the dynamo is looking like the better option as any 4-7W benefits disappear pretty quickly. If batteries were the better option Mike would have continued to use them for his racing after TABR and even then I think the only reason he didn't dyno was because of wheel choice or time constraints for building it.
Use of a cache battery means you're never charging all day and having 'power on tap' is way better than guessing at battery capacities in lights/cache batts.
I think it's more like 5W at audax speeds and less than 1W when lights are off.