• Great selection of "ELF" douchebags skipping all the lights from Camden to Regents St in their oh so serious race team kit.


    I'm back into RLJing. Traffic controls are advisory for bikes, in my eyes. Why the fuck shouldn't I cycle how I want to, where there's fuck all provision for cycles on most roads, no chance of serious fines/sentencing for driver carelessness, and a complete lack of giving a shit by enforcement of things like speed limits, phone handset use, close passing, threatening driving, assaults and harrassment and abuse of people using cycles?

    None of those^ are because RLJ. They're really not.

    Fuck it I'm in the wrong thread aren't I.

    Mental health thread that way>>> etc

  • You shouldn't jump red lights because you give people another excuse to perpetuate all the things you mention. Who knows what of it is caused (directly or indirectly) by RLJing? Who could possibly tell, and by what method? What is clear is that cycling needs to have a good reputation and should not be seen as the demi-monde of traffic. It's also clear that people who think they don't want to cycle will try to use any excuse they can to get out of it or to justify their behaviour towards people cycling. Don't give them more excuses.

    Be the change you want to be.

    Don't go over to the Dark Side of the Force.

    Don't change horses in mid-stream.



