All very valid and true, but it brings to the fore the perception that the SNP are the only party in the Scottish parliament and that an Independent country would be rules exclusively by them. It won't-we have proportional representation that makes achieving a majority mathematically very very unlikely and the current situation reflects a coalition between progressive forces in the SNP and Green Party, with even Labour for Independence supporting key motions. Post Indy I think the SNP will actually have to split and become something else.
I'm tapping out of this thread now to leave folk to whatever bias they like to indulge. Arguing on the internet > etc
Devolution is always going to be a good thing, IMO. Centralised power over decision-making never empowers those who lack influence or control over their destiny.
We have nothing to fear. We need the existence of government to stop being an excuse for a few indivduals to get on the 'revolving door' gravy-train. We need to hold politicians to account, not just go along bloody blindly with a joke 'democracy' where elected oligarchs pretend they act in the interests of society not their own share options and tax-free wealth and dividends, pensions, publicly-funded private mortgage wealth and expenses fiddles.
I'm not sure SNP look much different to the self-interested ego-maniac borderline psychotic money grabbing careerists who pass for politicians in other parties.
No, I'm not still drunk.