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My curiosity is: when you knowledgeable folk say 'eat', what kind of quantity are we talking about? Let's say I eat every hour, how much are we talking about? A couple handfuls of trail mix? More?
What Hippy said, but I just aim for 300 cal per hour, mostly from carbohydrate. That is the most your stomach can absorb, so no point eating more.
Can we chat a bit more about this 20-30 eat-drink business? Pretty interested in that, I suspect that most times I'm struggling is because of nutrition. I'm basically really bad at listening to my body until it shuts down on me.
My curiosity is: when you knowledgeable folk say 'eat', what kind of quantity are we talking about? Let's say I eat every hour, how much are we talking about? A couple handfuls of trail mix? More?
(I know nutrition is one of those things that's very individual, I have to have a mix of sugary and salty things, for instance, otherwise I saturate either way)