Sorry to hear you're feeling like this.
Federalism option (Devo Max or Full Fiscal Autonomy) was never offered as the Edinburgh Agreement stipulated a binary in or out option. No middle ground.
It's not really the same question. There has been a material change in the status quo and as a result the SNP have a mandate to reexamine the question.
I also understand that you might not like fuckwits but fuckwittery in politics is a very grey area. I'm sorry you won't wish us in the U.K well as we're all being governed by fuckwits.
So why are you feeling homeless?
You cant keep on asking the same question till you get the answer you want.
The SNP were quite clear that a brexit scenario against the wishes of the Scottish electorate would trigger another referendum.
A referendum in the event of Scotland being taken out of Europe against their will was in the SNP manifesto. They were elected on the back of that. TBH I don't even think Sturgeon wanted a referendum at this point but she has been backed into a corner by May's (unelected) government.
scots were clearly told in the indy ref "leave the UK , you leave the EU", "your on your own and you wont get back in because spain will veto your entrance" , that surely influenced many peoples decision . now their out through no choice of theirs . I think many see this as a justified reason to have a referendum ? just out of my small circle of friends all the "no" voters now choose "yes". im still wavering but as a london dwelling scot i didnt get a vote last time !
I am just tired of neverendums. Obviously the U.K governement needs help in fixing the union instead the SNP are intent on wrecking it. Federalism is one option but case is never made.
You cant keep on asking the same question till you get the answer you want.
I am once again feeling why the fuck am I living in a country that seems hell bent on tearing itself apart. I cant wish any country well that led by fuckwits and that goes for both sides of the boarder, after all it we the people who put them there. You may have guessed I am not that happy about all of this and the u.k governments arrogance (and the arrogance and complancancy of the english) that has allowed this predictable situation to arise in the first place. When you have a large chunk of your country wanting to break away for the second time in a few years you know things are not going well.
If scotland goes and it might it will do nothing to heal divisions. Those divisions will get deeper and I wont want to stick around to see what happens. I'll go ride my bike somewhere else (not scotland either) as the country I was born in would not exist anymore. So thanks sturgeon I am starting to feel homeless again.