On the other side of the fence i could an Africann voice, but couldn't see anyone.
Wasn't until i had cleared enough mud and rode off again i could see the safari bus coming along.
James who was waiting up the track for me was excitied as he had been watching a Hyenea.......we had found a track alongside the dual perimeter fence line of the local safari park....... gladly i didn't have a Hyena come and laugh at me for taking a Tarck bike down a muddy track :)
On the other side of the fence i could an Africann voice, but couldn't see anyone.
Wasn't until i had cleared enough mud and rode off again i could see the safari bus coming along.
James who was waiting up the track for me was excitied as he had been watching a Hyenea.......we had found a track alongside the dual perimeter fence line of the local safari park....... gladly i didn't have a Hyena come and laugh at me for taking a Tarck bike down a muddy track :)
Everything worked apart from my knees on 15x42 in mud :)