It turned up today so I fitted it with a bit of carbon paste in the seat tube and grease on the little clamp wedges.
As it appears to be a copy of the enve post, I had a peek at their guidance with regards to torque. Apparently 8-12nm for the saddle rail clamp for the genuine article. I gave it 8nm and it seems to be holding firm, and 4nm for the actual seat clamp (clamp says max 5nm).
Sat on it for a minute or two bouncing up and down and wiggling around and nothing's cracked or snapped yet. First ride on it tomorrow, so I'll let you know if I'm still alive.
I bought one of these in 27.2:
It turned up today so I fitted it with a bit of carbon paste in the seat tube and grease on the little clamp wedges.
As it appears to be a copy of the enve post, I had a peek at their guidance with regards to torque. Apparently 8-12nm for the saddle rail clamp for the genuine article. I gave it 8nm and it seems to be holding firm, and 4nm for the actual seat clamp (clamp says max 5nm).
Sat on it for a minute or two bouncing up and down and wiggling around and nothing's cracked or snapped yet. First ride on it tomorrow, so I'll let you know if I'm still alive.