Gulp, got my appointment for my knees next month. Half day Friday then sit at home all weekend looking after them Aha
As for caring for my previous Tattoos Iv just used Bapanthen for the first day or two. Using cling film if I'm having bed sheets or clothing over them. If I was at woke I'd change cling film every 3 hours and apple more cream if needed. If I'm at home id just let it air out and put cream on every so often if it felt dry. Cling them up for bed.
Never scabbed on any of my Tattoos and all healed really quickly.
Knee is finished. Fuck that hurt.
1st session was outline only and wasn't too bad (not great but 'bearable' haha pun because it's a bear)
Coloured in now and it was agony. Now to ride home (powered not pedal)